Historias Indígenas de Mesoamerica

viernes, febrero 09, 2007

El misterio de Olomega

Mi primer acercamiento a las culturas del lado este del rio lempa se produjeron a raiz de estos datos:

"Lenca Rulers of the period 900 B.C (in the order of the recital of the oral tradition). * Jax-ju Comizahual I, princess of Torolag (torola), Patroness of all tribes. Wife of prince Gualacolop-ti (Guacotecti). * Comizahual II, grand daughter of the nobles of Torolag, Monarch and founder of the Lenca (Lempa) kingdom of Managuara (Meanguera) Najochan. (Eastern and Insular region of El Salvador and southern Honduras). Her court was made by all chiefs and lords of all villages who met in a gathering named “Guancasco”. * Naju Kuta Balam I, son of Comizahual II, crown prince of Uxulvotan (Usulutan) his father was a warrior chief from the northern lands. * Texcunic Colop I, son of Comizahual II , crown prince of Kelepa (Quelepa) beside Mayucuayquin river. This was the first monarch who created an army for defence. * Kilimajax Kanul I, son of Comizahual II, crown prince of managuara (El Encantado) and the Islands. Founder of the lakeside villages of de Makigue y Olomik (Olomega). He established markets at Managuara (higueral) where merchants came to trade goods. ver mas

Investigando me encontre con esta foto:

Lastimosamente estas lineas son actuales zurcos de zacate para terrazas de maiz.

Aunque hable con uno de los primeros pobladores modernos de la isla Olomeguita (hace 40 años solo habian 3 familias y hoy son como 21), no encontre vestigios notables pero espero regresar por la hospitalidad del lugar y por investigar la isla mayor (Olomegona).

Noreste de la isla Olomeguita

Puerto de Olomega

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